"Terraform AWS modules" as a code

"Terraform AWS modules" as a code

After several years of maintaining Terraform AWS modules on GitHub and making constant improvements in processes I decided to spend more time and improve things even further.

I want other people to be involved and recognized also while I spend more time on other projects (eg, modules.tf).

The main motivation for doing changes is that I want to:

  • Recognize individuals who help triaging and fixing issues. This is by far the most time-consuming activity in this project.
  • Recognize contribution of everyone involved in the process (write code, answer issues, update documentation, etc).
  • Standardize releasing, updating, testing, documenting and some other procedures across all Terraform modules.
  • Create and manage many new Terraform AWS modules which satisfy the same quality requirements as other modules.
  • Integrate more Terraform modules into modules.tf

From now on, the configuration of all terraform-aws-modules repositories and common files (not related to the module itself, but more related to the management procedures) is available in this repository - https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/meta

Feedback and questions are welcome!